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QUIET-TEL® noise mitigation equipment

If you are troubleshooting customer complaints about noise or electrical interferences on copper data transmission wires, our QUIET-TEL® solution may be for you. SNC Manufacturing is the industry leader and primary provider of single and multi-pair noise solutions. QUIET-TEL® controls A/C-induced voltages and harmonics on copper ICT lines, as well as other sources of electrical interference, including 60-cycle hum, DSL noise, pixilation, tiling and more. This communication product also solves issues with slow data transmission over a modem.

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    SNIX Single Noise Interference Xterminator

    A broadly tuned, single pair coil and drainage unit, SNC’s Single Noise Interference Xterminator (SNIX), is a specially designed UL-listed filter for single-circuit applications to help suppress common telco noise interference issues and other problems.

    Noise Chokes – Common Mode Transformers

    Our noise chokes suppress signaling problems and equipment malfunctions stemming from noise in communication systems. Noise chokes improve circuit imbalance and suppress currents acting on sensitive equipment.

    Standard Induction Neutralizing Transformers

    An induction neutralizing transformer (INT) or digital induction neutralizing transformer (DINT) is utilized to mitigate induced A/C voltages, currents or harmonics that may be causing noise or equipment malfunctions or damages. It is a simple, passive device that splices in series with analog, digital or xDSL lines. SNC’s induction neutralizing transformers provide an effective and...

    Digital Induction Neutralizing Transformers

    Digital Induction Neutralizing Transformers, or DINTs, are similar to standard INTs, except they have a double-wound core to lower decibel loss. They have two separate groups of pairs, one for each transmission direction. The pairs are separated by an electrostatic shield to minimize crosstalk coupling. SNC’s induction neutralizing transformers provide an effective and economical solution...

    Glitch Tamer®

    The Glitch Tamer® is designed to control A/C voltage that is causing lost productivity and faulty operation of customer key systems and PBXs. Installing this on the customer side of the network interface, it controls low-level voltages that are causing problems.

    TEN – Transformer Exciting Network

    The TEN is a drainage reactor, specially designed for either 50 Hz or 60 Hz. It is easily bridged across one working circuit, providing a low impedance path-to-ground for longitudinal power line-induced interfering current to flow.

    Harmonic Suppression Reactor

    This product shifts the neutral grounded power line capacitor bank’s resonant frequency and reduces its noise interfering effects.


    The DSL-T1 Induction Neutralizing Transformer works like a standard INT. It has a Category 6 cable to maintain the integrity of signals for digital circuits. DSL-T1 INTs are available for 8, 12, 25, 50 and 100 pair systems.

    CBT Stray Voltage

    If you’re concerned about stray voltage, our Current Balancing Transformer provides safe, effective voltage and electrical current mitigation. Our CBT mitigates stray voltage and currents in a grounding system that can return 98 percent of the current on the neutral.