Modern Slavery and Child Labor Policies

SNC Manufacturing Co. Inc. is committed to the prevention and elimination of modern slavery which includes all forced labor, human trafficking, debt bondage, servitude, and any other practices that exploit individuals for labor or services, including forced labor or situations where individuals are compelled to work under threat or coercion, without their consent or freedom to leave, or any form of exploitation that violates human rights.
SNC strictly prohibits the use of modern slavery in any form within our operations, subsidiaries, or supply chains. We will not engage in, benefit from, or contribute to any activities that involve modern slavery, including forced labor or human trafficking. SNC will comply with all applicable international, national, state, and local laws and regulations relating to modern slavery. Any employee, contractor, or supplier who becomes aware of modern slavery or forced labor within the organization or its supply chain must report it promptly to the appropriate authority. The Company will promptly investigate all reported cases of modern slavery or forced labor and take appropriate remedial actions based on the findings.
Child Labor Policy
SNC Manufacturing Co., Inc. will comply with all applicable international, national, state, and local laws and regulations regarding child labor. SNC strictly prohibits the use of child labor in any of its operations, subsidiaries, or supply chains. No individual under the legal working age shall be employed by the Company or its business partners, contractors, or suppliers. SNC will establish and enforce procedures to verify the age of workers to ensure compliance with this policy. Any employee, contractor, or supplier who becomes aware of child labor practices within the organization or its supply chain must report it promptly to the appropriate authority. SNC will investigate any reported incidents of child labor and take appropriate remedial actions, which may include termination of business relationships with non-compliant entities.